With the holidays upon us and throughout the year, what does it feel like to give yourself the most valuable gift ever?
The presence of you.
This presence is the true meaning of the gift that keeps on giving. It benefits everyone, especially you.
Can you allow yourself to slow down and hear what is authentic for you in as many moments as possible? Can you give yourself permission to be and feel what you do without imposing it on everyone else?
Keep using your breath to keep yourself regulated and balanced as you move through whatever life brings.
It will not always be easy initially, and discomfort will probably appear. However, you know what to do: breathe into the sides and stick to the qualities instead of the stories. And may the holidays find you enjoying more of life.
Always in freedom as love,
‘Why do we give our power away in the first place? The energies are available for so much more, why would we leave it on the table. Once we understand that, life can be a whole different story.
You might be surprised where power needs to be taken back from. As chaos increases, it’s a good time to make sure all your power is available for you.
To live with your full power available, able to handle anything that comes along, what would that be like?
Today is the best day to see this topic clearly as we move into these new times. There might be a completely different way to look at power and what we do with it. It is up to us to create what we desire and live the way we choose to show up. How will you show up moving forward?
Let’s find out and discover new ways to come from a powerful place in each moment.’
Focused on you and your alignment, this retreat is for anyone who is ready for greater embodiment moving into these new times, especially if you are ready to come from an empowered place in expression of love and sovereignty.Be prepared to release what no longer serves and align wholistically to the freedom that is your natural state of being. Make yourself available for life to live through you with grace and ease, so you may come into the greatest expression of self. Encourage other like minded friends and family that are using a wholistic model in their personal expression to join in. Let’s identify, dream and show up in this new world.